Sisters' Tribute to Family Roots
Sisters is named in honour of Larry Stone's mother and aunt who grew up on a farm in Romania where their father grew wheat, raised cattle and made wine from the family vineyard, near a site that today where none other than Gerhard Kracher consults.
Blind Tasting for Excellence
A white wine produced in their honour has to be worthy of that inheritance. Sisters is selected by blind tasting from among the Chardonnay barrels without regard to the vineyard of origin.

Collaborative Cuvée Crafting
When Thomas Savre, Dominique Lafon and Larry identify and rank the finest barrels of wine, they work together with the team to build a cuvée of Chardonnay that is delicate, yet persistent, with impeccable flavour and structure that will enable to wine to evolve and develop in bottle.
Terroir Selection and Nuanced Barrels
The barrels selected without fail come from vines grown on the shallowest soils. Often the biggest portion comes from the most nuanced barrels of Bunker Hill and much of the rest from a vineyard near us on land that partially has no topsoil.
Vintage Quality and Production Milestone
It is a testament to the quality of the vintage that the total cases of this cuvée is 240, the most produced to date.